청소년/대학생 모국연수(OKFriends Homecoming Teens/ Youth Camp):
재외동포재단(Overseas Korean Foundation) 지원사업
재외동포재단에서는 매년 '재외동포 청소년 교류사업(재외동포 중고생/대학생 모국연수)를 시행하고 있습니다. 한민족정체성을 함양하며 글로벌 리더로서의 미래 비전을 그릴 수 있는 다양한 역사,문화 체험 프로그램이 준비되어있으며, 참가자 전원에 대해 항공료 50%(일반석 왕복, 일부 참가자는 100%)를 지원할 계획이오니, 학생 학부모 등 동포사회의 큰 관심을 부탁드립니다.
The Overseas Koreans Foundation(OKF) was established in 1997 under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the purpose of serving the 7.5 million Koreans residing abroad by imbuing them with a sense of ethnic familiarity and bolstering their growth into model citizens in their respective countries.
Through 'OKFriends Homecoming Teens and Youth Camp,' OKF aims to provide Korean teens and youth from around the world with a chance to communicate and cultivate familiarity amongst their fellow peers, as well as an opportunity to develop leadership skills and a sense of pride in their Korean heritage by experiencing the society, history, and culture of their homeland.
Period: during July for 7 or 8 days
Venue: Seoul and Local Regions
For whom: Middle and High School students between ages 14 to 18 / University and Preliminary University students between ages 18 to 25
Program contents
City Tour, Rural Experience, Traditional & Modern Korea Experience, Historical Sites and Major Facilities Visits
Korean family homestay, Korean school experience, One-to-one exchange with domestic teens
Cultural experiences, lectures and missions, social participation and sharing activities, etc.
Application Deadline: April 1, 2020 (Friday)
Application Site : www.korean.net or http://okfh.korean.net - Required documents